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These huge spherical UFO's started appearing around January 18, 2010. They are on both the forward and rear images taken by NASA's Stereo Spacecraft in space. They appear to be moving as they are i...  

Más de: critiquekat

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popncool (hace 14 minutos) Mostrar Ocultar
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wow any thing that could get by the sun like that must be unstop i srue hope thay come in peace if not we are fuckd
kikeyanez (hace 14 minutos) Mostrar Ocultar
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its a heat bubble
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hrvatwrestle (hace 27 minutos) Mostrar Ocultar
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shut your pie hole
bayzza100 (hace 48 minutos) Mostrar Ocultar
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I lost all respect for you as soon as you mentioned the word 'God.' You nieve fool!
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yes must be baloons. important to know if its raining on the sun. but most likely a hoax. baloons with flares like every other light on the sky. made to fool us. nasa is nice to tell us what is real and not. untill now its 100% fake or "no comment" so i guess we are alone in this small universe
ThaSpleen (hace 1 hora) Mostrar Ocultar
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sure, a weather ballon on the sun...
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one of the guys that uploaded this, i favorited a few days ago. his acc is deleted now. that makes this more creditable
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What is your take on why they are showing up more and more lately. Soon Dec. 21, 2012 will be just around the corner, plus Nirubu or Planet -X is also somewhere close by, could there be any thing tied together by all of this. As more time goes by, we start seeing more things come to life? I am not a debunker, but I do however look deeply into all I see. Some things are clearly false and some are not that I have seen in the past. I do like what you have here tho.
kaxitaksi (hace 1 hora) Mostrar Ocultar
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Swampgas or maybe a weatherballoon..

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